Baby Courage Hoops from Loft & Daughter
Baby Courage Hoops from Loft & Daughter
Baby Courage Hoops from Loft & Daughter
Baby Courage Hoops from Loft & Daughter

Baby Courage Hoops


Lieferbare Größen:
One Size
Nachhaltigkeitslabels: These labels explain why and how this brand is sustainable Weiterlesen
  • FAT
  • MIL
  • ANF
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  • FAT Fairer Handel
  • MIL Umweltfreundlich
  • ANF Vegan


The Hindu goddess Durga, protective mother of the universe and creator of all life, is celebrated in these elegant aged coin hoops.Invincible, as her Sanskrit name suggests, she is depicted riding a lion, her arms ready for battle in the fight against darkness. Representing courage, this dainty charm reminds us of the divine female warrior within us all.Styling tip: Our Baby Courage charms can be removed giving the option of simple, plain hoops.

Ursprung: Loft & Daughter

This piece has been carefully crafted by a small team of marginalised artisans displaced from West Bengal, who have found sustainable livelihoods through their skill in making beautiful pieces like these.

They are proudly certified by the World Fair Trade Organisation.

Each piece comes packaged in a soft organic pouch, which has been lovingly made by some of Jaipur’s most vulnerable women, who are bettering their lives through the income from the block printing, tassel making and stitching of these very pouches. No two are the same, each one beautiful in its imperfections.


Praktische Information:

Versandkosten: 10,80 € innerhalb der EU.

Einfuhrgebühren: Produkte werden aus dem Vereinigten Königreich versandt und können zusätzlichen Einfuhrzöllen und Zollgebühren unterliegen, die bei Lieferung des Pakets zu entrichten sind.

Lieferzeit: 5–10 Werktage

Adresse: Kein Geschäft.

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